Beauty Intentions


Approaching beauty and beauty practices with intentionality should become your new ritual. Intentionality is an action done with purpose and deliberacy. Often times we don’t approach beauty and beauty practices with as much thought. Washing our faces has become as automatic as brushing our teeth or flossing. We do it twice a day-- if we're lucky. Sometimes we substitute face wash for a makeup wipe and call it a day. What we fail to realize is that in order to truly preserve, protect and gracefully age we have to be mindful and deliberate as we approach beauty practices like washing our face. Example, ask yourself, am I washing my face to simply cleanse or do I need to address any skin concerns? Is my face dry, do I have lots of texture? When you slow down and think about the answers, you can make more time to address your beauty concerns and intentionally purchase products, make professional appointments or do more research on what you can add to your beauty rituals. This new beauty intentions practice will also help you edit your beauty wardrobe (products & tools), which will allow you to truly curate the beauty regimen that is effective allowing you to reach your beauty goals. This can also help you save money by only purchasing products, tools and services that suit your needs instead of wasting on things that won’t help you meet those goals. Now, it's time to write your intentions and walk into your new glow.

Homework: What are your beauty intentions? Write a list of things you want to accomplish when it comes to self-care and beauty. After you write this list, make sure to write down a self-care schedule. Just as we are being intentional about our beauty goals, we have to be thoughtful about how and when we can factor them into our lives.
