Finding beauty all around you
“Curating the beautiful things,” isn’t just a quote I made up but a quote I live by. I say and live by this quote because what you focus on manifests. ”When you focus on the goodness in life, you Create more of it. “ Oprah Winfrey. I want to see beauty all around me because it enriches my soul. It fills me with life and zest to create and look for more. What do you want to create more of in your life? Down below, I list 5 ways you can “curate the beautiful things.”
Paint your space beautiful. What I mean by this is to surround your living and work spaces with beautiful artwork, sheets, pillows, books whatever you need to visualize positivity & happiness
Read beautiful words like classic love letters and poems before bed or upon waking
Simplify an effective skincare routine. Everyone feels more beautiful when their skin in soft, glowy and blemish free
Create and stick to your religious/spiritual practices. I meditate and pray for at least 5 mins each day. This helps ground me and set my intentions.
Friendships that flourish are beautiful. “Surround yourself with people that are only going to take you higher.”-OW